Naturalist Trip to Rhodes
7th to 27th April 2003
Environment is varied. There are numerous rivers (all have water in April 2003), a large dam In the south, beautiful pines and cypress forests, small garden near the towns, olive and orange trees, large cereal fields, rocky hills with cliffs, etc.
The more widespread species are Crested Lark, Blue Tit, Greenfinch, House Sparrow, Collared Dove, Hooded Crow and Sardinian Warbler. We saw 140 species of which some rarities (White-tailed Lapwing, Lesser Short-toed Lark and Trumpeter Finch, and also Spur-winged Lapwing, Little and Baillon’s Crakes, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, tens of Red-throated Pipits and Short-toed Larks, numerous Squacco Herons and Glossy Ibis, some Long-legged Buzzards, three species of harriers (with Pallid), 6 species of falcons. At the end of our trip we saw Pallid and Olive-tree Warblers, Black-headed Bunting and some Eleonora’s and Red-footed Falcons.
Sea birds are not common (but Yellow-legged Gull and Cory’s Shearwater), like Cetti’s Warbler. Goldfinch is not common, but in cage !
> Site 1. Ialysos, residential area and beach. We stay 3 weeks in the Sun Beach. Long and narrow pebble beach, numerous gardens with exotic trees, but also vegetable gardens. A small river. Sardinian Warbler is abundant like House Sparrow and Collared Dove and Hooded Crow. We saw rare Spanish Sparrows with the House and we saw a very important migration of Spanish. We found also a big roost with ± 5000 birds. At sea, every morning, numerous Cory’s Shearwater and very rare Yelkouan.
Ialysos Acropolis and close to area. At the foot of the hill we eared 4 Scops Owls and 1 Little Owl.
> Site 2. Symi Island. Very few birds (but very numerous cats !). There is no trees, but we saw 2 Audouin’s Gulls.
> Site 3. Kremastis bridge and the river. The river is just before the Kremasti town arriving from the airport and was a very good site during our stay. Highlight species are Glossy Ibis (36 birds, 19 April), White-tailed Lapwing, Squacco Heron, Great Snipe, Little and Baillon’s Crakes and numerous Yellow Wagtails (feldegg and flava are abundant, and we saw also thunbergi and superciliaris), Great Reed Warblers are regular in small number.
> Site 4. Apolakkia dam and close to area. Large lake with surrounding forests and wear and tear vegetation. We saw our first Long-legged Buzzard, a Peregrine Falcon and eared Chukars. There were also Black-necked and Little Grebes, Stonechats and Collared Flycatcher (and also a Cormorant, not common in Rhodes).
> Site 5. Gorges and forest near Lakki. Gorges start on the main road, near Lakki. We saw nest of Raven, Red-rumped Swallow and Crag Martin.
> Site 6. Afandou and Traganou beaches + a river without name (with a ford). Back Afandou beach, there is a large piece of fallow land like a steppe. This site is very interesting because a great variety of habitats. We saw here hundreds of Swallows and Sand Martins with some tens of House Martins and hundreds of Yellow Wagtails (2/3 de flava pour 1/3 de feldegg with some thunbergi, superciliaris and dombrowski). In the steppe area hundreds of Short-toed Larks, about 10 Lesser Short-toed Larks, tens of Red-throated Pipits, some Stone Curlews and, very astonishing, a Trumpeter Finch win a flock of Linnets. The golf also is interesting and we saw Red-throated and Tawny Pipits and a Quail. Other species seen here are Red-footed Falcon, Pied Flycatcher, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, etc. There is also a big lizard (Agama stellio).
Traganou beach is near a military area (no photos). In a small lagoon there is some waders and herons. Near this beach we saw Long-legged Buzzard, Chukars and a male of Collared Flycatcher.
> Site 7. Gandouras river, olive trees orchard + river, castle and small beach at Araki. There are numerous Woodchat Shrikes and Blue Tits in the olive-trees. At the mouth of the Gandouras (a large lake) we saw a Spur-winged Lapwing, a Glossy Ibis, a Long-legged Buzzard and some Little Egrets. On the castle hill, there are at least 3 pairs of Black-eared Wheatears. North of the castle, a small beach has a small river with trees ; we saw here Semi-collared Flycatcher and Pallid Warbler.
Old road from Malona to Archangelos. The road is along a river with good riparian forest (Cetti’s Warbler and Nightingale). Near Archangelos, there is a rocky area with Long-legged Buzzard and very large olive-trees orchard. In the orchard we saw numerous Hoopoes and Blue Tits.
> Site 8. Small road from the main road to the Kritinia castle. The road crosses farmlands and pine and cypress forest before arriving at the castle. We eared and saw Eastern Bonelli’s and Eastern Orphean Warblers.
> Site 9. Kattavia area (far south of the island) and Lachania
a) Prasonisi and large cereal area. The cereal area is good for migrating birds (Pallid Harrier, Spanish Sparrow and Short-toed Larks near an old convent (Aghios Pavlos, on the right of the main road driving to Lindos)
b) we walk along a small river on the left of the road before the Cape Angomasi (driving from the south): Montagu’s Harrier, Long-legged Buzzard, Pallid and Great Reed Warblers, Black-eared Wheatear, etc.
> Site 10. Gennadi beach and river mouth. Good place for waders (we saw a Spur-winged Lapwing) at sea, a small flock of Shags and Sandwich Terns. Watch the bushes (Olive-tree and Pallid Warbler)
Kiotari beach. Like Gennadi beach. We saw Pallid Warbler and Black-headed Bunting.
Town, castle and olive-trees at Asklipio. Orchards are good (Collared Flycatchers, Chukar and Ortolan Bunting). Rocky hill above Glystra Beach. Good place to see the birds arriving from the sea. There is also nest of Raven and Crag Martin.
> Site 11. Profitis Ilias Mountains. Beautiful pine and cypress forest but very few birds species. Blue Tit, Blackbird and Jay are common. Woodlark nests on the summit.
> Site 12. Artamiti convent. Rocky area with forest. Red-rumped Swallow, Black-eared Wheatear, Raven, Alpine Swift…
> Site 13. Kallithéa and close to area. A pair of Blue-rock Thrush breeds in the old houses. The pine forest was very good for migrating biers (Pied, Collared, Semi-collared and Grey Flycatchers). The hills also are good (Black-eared Wheatear, Blue-rock Thrush, Ortolan Bunting.
> Site 14. Lindos and close to area. The site is very beautiful ! and the is good birds. Above the acropolis, numerous Alpine Swifts ; in the gardens, Lesser Whitethroat, Eastern Orphean, Willow and Wood Warblers, Redstart (samamisicus), Orioles, numerous Red-rumped Swallows. A walk from the village to the Cleobule tomb is a good idea (Collared Flycatcher, Common Whitethroat, Woodchat Shrike). Watch the cliffs, there is a Peregrine nest…
List of the species seen
1. Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis
21/04, Apolakkia dam, 3 birds (2 in song).
2. Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis
One, nuptial, 08/04 Apolakkia dam.
3. Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea
54 crossing in front of Ialysos beach in 20 min, 07/04. The same every morning. 17/04, 30 min before arriving at the Symi island, a flock of ± 130 follows the boat. 26/04 in the morning, we count 187 birds between 6h30 a.m. and 7h.
4. Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan
Rare, at least 3, 07/04 with the Cory’s. 18/04, 14 at 17h30 in front of the Rhodes harbour.
5. Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo
One, immature, 08/04, Apolakkia dam.
6. Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmareti
11/04, 7 fishing just in front of Gennadi beach; at the place, 6, 21/04 and 22/04 and 8, 25/04.
7. Little Bittern Ixobrichus minutus
Male, 08/04, Kremasti river mouth. Two males, 24/04, upstream Kremastis bridge. Male, 25/04 Afandou beach. Female, 25/04 Kremastis bridge.
8. Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
Adult flying to the sea (!!),14/04, Afandou beach. 21/04, 5 adults, Afandou ford, but only one 24/04. 22/04, 3 upstream Kremastis bridge, and 2, 24/04.
9. Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides
One 08 and 12/04, then 3, 13/04, Kremastis bridge. One, 09/04 Afandou beach and 3, same place, 16/04. 19/04, 5 Afandou beach, 1 Traganou beach and 13 Kremastis bridge. 21/04, 11 Apolakkia dam, 2 Gennadi beach and 16 Afandou. 22/04, 2 Kiotari beach and at least 5 upstream Kremastis bridge but only 2 24/04 and 1 25/04. 23/04, 3 Traganou beach. Only one 24/04 Afandou beach. 25/04, two on the road near Archangelos and 1 Gennadi.
10. Little Egret Egretta garzetta
2 07/07, then 6 08/04 and 12/04, Kremastis bridge. One, 08/04 Apolakkia dam. 8, 09/04, Afandou beach. 10/04, 19 Gandouras river. 14/04 and 16/04, 10 Afandou beach and 8 Traganou beach. 20/04, 24 Afandou beach. 21/04, 22 same place, 2 Gennadi beach, 18 (leaving the roost) Apolakkia dam and 14 Traganou beach.
11. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea
1 adult 07/04, Kremastis bridge. One, 08/04, Apolakkia dam. 14/04, 2 Traganou beach and 1 Kremastis bridge (also 18 and 19/04 here). Two, 20 and 21/04 Afandou beach. One, 21/04 Traganou beach.
12. Purple Heron Ardea purpurea
19/04, 2 Afandou golf then 2 (the same ?), Traganou beach and 7 upstream Kremastis beach.
13. Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus
5 (4 adults), 07/04 Kremastis bridge. Only 3, 10/04; this late day, 1 Gandouras river. At the Kremastis bridge, 4 12/04, 1 13/04, 14/04 and 18/04 then a flock of 39 19/04; 7, 22/04 ! 20/04, 6 Afandou beach. 21/04, always 6 Afandou beach and 1 Apolakkia dam. 23/04, un (migrating) Plimiri beach, 3 Traganou beach and 25 upstream the Kremastis bridge then 15 24/04 and 6 25/04 at the last place. 25/04, 6 Afandou beach.
14. Garganey Anas querquedula
Female, 14/04 Afandou beach then 2 males and 1 female Kremastis bridge, 18/04.
15. Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus
One, Kremastis bridge, 24/04.
16. Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus
Female, 09/04, Kremastis bridge. 11/04, south Kattavia, 2 males and 2 females. Male, 16/04 Traganou beach. Male (migrating), 23/04 Plimiri beach.
17. Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus
One (2 ?) female, 11/04, south Kattavia.
18. Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus
Female migrating, 23/04 near the cape Angomasi (Lachania). Another female, 25/04 Gandouras mouth.
19. Goshawk Accipiter gentilis
Male harassed by Hooded Crows, 06/04, Ialysos.
20. Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus
Female, 21/04, Apolakkia dam.
21. Buzzard Buteo buteo buteo
1 adult, Ialysos, 06/04.
22. Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus
One, 08/04, near Apolakkia dam. One, 09/04, Afandou beach and another Traganou beach (also 10/04) ; always 10/04, one near the Gandouras. One, 11/04, 5 km south Apolakkia. One, 14/04 Kremastis bridge. One, old road from Malona to Rhodes, 16/04. One, 20/04, main road near Haraki. One, 22/04 Gennadi. One, 23/04, south cape Angomasi (Lachania). One, 24/04, between Archangelos and Archipoli.
23. Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus
One, light, 19 and 22/04 Kremastis bridge.
24. Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni
7, 14/04, main road, north of Faliraki.
25. Kestrel Falco tinnunculus
Ialysos beach, 1, 06/04, then 07/04. 08/04, one near Kamiros and 1 Apolakkia dam. One, 09/04, Afandou beach. 10/04, one, Gandouras, and one, Afandou beach. Pair at nest, 11/04, Kritinia castle. Common in the south of the island. One, 12/04 Artamiti convent. One, 15/04, Kallithéa. Male, 18/04, Kremastis bridge (also 19/04). 19/04, 2, Kallithéa. Two pairs at nest in the cliffs near Lindos (20/04). One, 22/04, Kiotari beach. Pair, 23/04, near cape Angomasi (Lachania).
26. Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus
3, 08/04, Kamiros Skala. 19/04, 4, Afandou golf and 2 near Kallithéa. 20/04, 3, Afandou and 3 (1 female and 2 males), Lindos. Male arriving from the sea, 25/04 near Glystra Beach.
27. Hobby Falco subbuteo
1 (migrating), Ialysos beach, 06/04 ; 1, 07/04 near P. Kalamonas. One arriving from the sea, 25/04, near Glystra Beach.
28. Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae
One (dark) arriving from the sea, 25/04, near Glystra Beach. Another dark, 26/04, in front of the Ialysos beach.
29. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
Female, 08/04, Apolakkia dam. Male, 20/04, Lindos.
30. Chukar Alectoris chukar
One in song, 08 and 21/04, Apolakkia dam. 14/04, 2 Traganou beach. 21/04, 2 near the main road, Kiotari. One, olive-trees orchard above Asklipio, 22/04. One, 25/04 near Glystra Beach.
31. Quail Coturnix coturnix. One, 11/04, Kattavia. One, 14/04, Afandou golf. One, 16/04, Haraki castle. One, 20/04, between Lindos and Cleobule tomb.
32. Little Crake Porzana parva
Male, 08/04 and 19/04, Kremastis bridge.
33. Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla
Adult, 22/04, upstream Kremastis bridge.
34. Moorhen Gallinula chloropus
08/04, 2, Apolakkia dam and 12 Kremastis bridge. One, 09/04, Afandou beach. 10/04, 4, Traganou beach. 21/04, 3, Apolakkia dam. 22/04, one, Kiotari beach and 16 upstream Kremastis bridge.
35. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. One, 14/04, Afandou beach. One, 22/04, Kremastis bridge. 23/04, 2, Afandou beach and 1 Traganou beach. One, 25/04, Kremastis bridge.
36. Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus saharae
One, 08/04, Kremasti beach. 09/04, at least 5, Afandou beach and 3, 10/04. Always at Afandou beach, 10 14/04 and 5 24/04. Two, displaying, 16/04, Haraki river. One eared at 21h, 18/04, Ialysos beach. 22/04, at 8h25 a.m., 1 arriving from the sea, Kiotari beach. Same place, 1, 25/04.
37. Pratincole Glareola pratincola
Two, 23 and 24/04, Afandou beach.
38. Little Plover Charadrius dubius. One, 06 and 07/04, Ialysos beach; one, 07/04, Kremastis bridge, then 2 at the Kremasti river mouth, 08 and 14/04. 3 Afandou beach, then 4 (pair displaying) Traganou beach, 09, 14 and 19/04. Two, 10/04, Gandouras river and 3 Afandou beach same day. 19/04, 2, near the Colossos Beach Hotel, Faliraki. 3 (a pair displaying), 21/04, Gennadi river. Two pairs, 22/04, Kiotari beach. Two, 25/04, mouth of the Kiotari river.
39. Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus
Male, 14/04, Ialysos beach.
40. Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus
One, 22, 23 and 25/04, Gennadi river mouth. A second, 25/04, Gandouras mouth.
41. White-tailed Lapwing Vanellus leucurus
One, tame, 08/04, Kremastis bridge. Always present 09 and 10/04. Perhaps the 5th for Greece and 2nd for Rhodes.
42. Sanderling Calidris alba
At Afandou beach, 3, 14/04 and 16/04, and 5, 20/04.
43. Little Stint Calidris minuta
Two, 09/04, Afandou beach. 11/04, 11 Gennadi beach. One, 16 and 19/04, Traganou beach. 19/04, 2, Afandou beach and 1 near the Colossos Beach Hotel, Faliraki. At the Gennadi river mouth, 17, 21 and 22/04. One, 23/04, Between Gennadi and Lachania and 4, Traganou beach. 25/04, 4 Afandou beach and 8 Traganou beach.
44. Temminck’s Stint Calidris temminckii
One, 09 and 14/04, Traganou beach. 21/04, 17 Gennadi river mouth and 4 Afandou beach. One, 21/04, Gennadi river mouth. One, 25/04, Kiotari beach.
45. Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea
Two with the Sanderlings, 16/04, Afandou beach but just 1 20/04. One, 21/04, Gennadi river mouth.
46. Dunlin Calidris alpina
One, 09/04, Traganou beach. One, 21 and 22/04, Gennadi river mouth. One, 22/04, Kiotari beach.
47. Ruff Philomachus pugnax
3, 07 and 08/04, Kremastis bridge where there are 5 (10/04), 1 (14/04) and 7 (19/04). Six (1 male), 09/04, Afandou beach, then 22 (14/04), 13 (16/04). At the Traganou beach, 8, 16 and 19/04. 21/04, 3, Gennadi river mouth. 23/04, 12 between Gennadi and Lachania and 3 Traganou beach. 24/04, only 2 Afandou beach and 2 Kremastis bridge, but 9, 25/04, here.
48. Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago
3, 08/04, then 2, 12/04, Kremastis bridge.
49. Great Snipe Gallinago media
One, upstream the Kremastis bridge, 22/04.
50. Redshank Tringa totanus
One, 16/04, Afandou beach.
51. Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis
One, 08/04, Kremastis bridge. One, 19 and 21/04, Traganou beach.
52. Greenshank Tringa nebularia
One, 09, 10, 14, 19 and 21/04, Traganou beach then 2, 23/04. 16/04, 3, Afandou beach then 1 20/04. One, 23/04 flying above the road near cape Angomasi.
53. Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus
4, 07, 08 and 10/04, Kremastis bridge, then only one 12 and 14/04. 11/04, 3, Gennadi beach. 14/04, 4, Afandou beach and 2 Traganou beach. One, 19/04, Afandou beach.
54. Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
At Kremastis bridge, 2 (09/04), 3 (10/04), 1 (12/04), 13 (14/04), 6 (19/04), 13 (22/04) and 5 (24/04). 14/04, 5, Afandou, 15 Traganou beach and 1 Ialysos beach. 19/04, 6 Traganou beach. 20/04, at least 25 Afandou beach. 21/04, 16 Gennadi river mouth, 17 along the Afandou river and 8 Traganou beach. At the last site, 8 23/04. 24/04, 16 Afandou beach.
55. Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos
On the Ialysos beach, 1 06, 07, 16 and 17/04), 3 (23/04). 2, 09/04, Traganou beach where there are 3 19/04. One, 11/04, Gennadi beach. 14/04, 1 Afandou beach and 1 Kremastis bridge. 21/04, at least 5 Apolakkia dam.
56. Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus
One adult, Ialysos beach, 14/04. Another (the same), 16, 19 and 20/04, Afandou beach.
57. Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii
Two adults, 17/04, in front of the coast of Symi island.
58. Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis
Numerous at sea in front of Ialysos. Adult, 08/04, Apolakkia dam. Some every days near Afandou. 11/04, 104 at roost Loutanis mouth. 25/04, 58, Gandouras mouth.
59. Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis
One, 11/04 Gennadi beach. In front of Ialysos beach, 2 (4 ?), 17/04 and 1, 25/04.
60. Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus
One, 14/04, in front of the Ialysos beach. One (the same ?), 15, 16/04 then 24 and 25/04 Kremastis bridge. One, 19 and 20/04, Afandou beach and 1 (the same?), 20/04, Traganou beach.
61. Feral Dove Columba livia ” domestica “
Common in towns.
62. Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus
Pair displaying, 07/04, Ialysos acropolis. 08/04, 2 in song Apolakkia dam and one other near Lakki. 11/04, one in song, Kritinia castle, then 2 flying south Kattavia. Singing birds eared 12/04 Profitis Ilias and Artamiti convent. One in song, 24/04 between Archangelos and Archipoli.
63. Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto
Numerous in towns and villages. Also on Symi island.
64. Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur
11/04, 3 south Kattavia and 1 Gennadi beach. One, 12/04, Kremastis bridge. One in song, 15/04, Profitis Ilias. 8; 19/04, Kallithéa forest. One in song, 21/04, Apolakkia dam. 22/04, 5 flying, Kiotari beach then 4 Asklipio. 23/04, 5 (migrating) Plimiri beach. 24/04, 5 (4 in song) between Malona and Archangelos and 3 in song between Archangelos and Archipoli.
65. Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri
At least 6 near Rhodes harbour (a pair goes out from a hole in a eucalyptus tree). At the same place, 10 17/04.
66. Cuckoo Cuculus canorus
2 in song, 08/04 near Lakki. One in song 11/04 Kritinia castle. One in song, 12/04 Artamiti convent, another 15/04 Profitis Ilias. Two (1 in song), 16/04, road between Malona and Archangelos.
67. Scops Owl Otus scops cycladum
16/04 (5h50 a.m.), 4 singers near Ialysos village.
68. Little Owl Athene noctua indigena
Only 1 cry, 16/04 (5h50 a.m.) near Ialysos village.
69. Common Swift Apus apus
Seen everywhere in small number from 06/04. At least 100, 08/04, Apolakkia dam. One, 17/04, Symi. The same day, ± 100 above the town of Rhodes.
70. Pallid Swift Apus pallidus
One, 09/04, above Kremastis bridge. One, 13/04, town of Rhodes. 14/04, 3 above Ialysos beach. 19/04, 3, Afandou golf. At least 2, Lindos, 20/04. 21/04, 2, Apolakkia dam.
71. Alpine Swift Apus melba tuneti
3, 10/04, Afandou beach. 12/04, 6 above Artamiti convent. At Afandou beach, 11 14/04 and 6 drinking 16/04. 19/04, one Afandou golf and 2 Traganou beach. At least 11, Lindos, 20/04. 21/04, 14, Apolakkia dam and 3 Gennadi beach. 2, 22/04, Kiotari beach. 25/04, 2, above Glystra beach.
72. Kingfisher Alcedo atthis
Only at Kremastis bridge : 2 (3 ?), 08/04 ; 2, 12/04 ; 3, 19/04 ; 2 (pair displaying) from 20/04 to 26/04 with pair copulating the last day.
73. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus
One, 19/04, Afandou beach. Perhaps the second for Rhodes (Handrinos and Akriotis, 1997, Birds of Greece).
74. European Bee-eater Merops apiaster
At least 2 heard, 10/04, Afandou beach. 14/04, at the Kremastis river mouth, 9 flying to Turkey. At least 6, 16/04, road between Malona and Archangelos. Eared, 22/04, above Kiotari beach and 23/04 near cape Angomasi. 24/04, 14 between Malona and Archangelos then 20 between Archangelos and Archipoli (holes in a sand quarry) ; early morning (6h15), one flying to Turkey, Ialysos beach. 25/04, 3 (1 burrowing) Kiotari beach, 11 arriving from the sea above Glystra Beach, 1 near Lardos and 8 Gandouras mouth.
75. Hoopoe Upupa epops
One, 08/04, Ialysos. One, 10/04, Afandou beach and 2 11/04. At Gennadi beach, 2 (11/04) and 1 (21/04). 16/04, 3 in song, road between Malona and Archangelos. One, 23/04, Plimiri beach. 24/04, one between Malona and Archangelos then 5 (4 in song) between Archangelos and Archipoli.
76. Wryneck Jynx torquilla
One, 08/04, near Kremasti. One, 25/04, near Glystra Beach.
77. Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla
Afandou beach : ± 120 (09/04) ; ± 235 (10/04) ; 58 with 4 in song (14/04) ; 42 with 2 in song (19/04) and 45 with 4 in song (24/04). 11/04, 6 south Kattavia. 19/04, 6 Afandou golf. One, 18/04, Ialysos beach. One in song, 20/04, between Lindos and Cleobule tomb. One, 21/04, Gennadi beach.
78. Lesser Short-toed Lark Calandrella rufescens
± 10 with the Short-toed, 09/04, Afandou beach. Perhaps the first for Greece. (Handrinos and Akriotis, 1997, Birds of Greece).
79. Crested Lark Galerida cristata
Uncommon in the north-west of the island, but very common on the east coast and in the south.
80. Woodlark Lullula arborea
One, 08/04, between Apolakkia and the dam. One in song, 12/04, Artamiti convent. Two in song, 15/04, Profitis Ilias summit.
81. Skylark Alauda arvensis
Two, 10/04, Afandou beach.
82. Sand Martin Riparia riparia
08/04, 2 Apolakkia dam and 5 Kremastis bridge. ± 50, 09/04, Afandou beach and ± 100 same place 14/04. One, 16/04, Haraki. One, 18/04, Ialysos beach. Tens, 19/04, Afandou beach then ± 800, same place, 21/04.
83. Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris
Pair at nest, 08/04, Lakki gorges. At least 4 in the town of Rhodes, 13/04 and 2 same place 17/04. Two, 14/04, Traganou beach. One, Profitis Ilias, 15/04. 16/04, one pick up mud, Traganou beach. Nest, 25/04, hill above Glystra Beach.
84. Swallow Hirundo rustica
Abundant at wetlands. At least 500, 09, 10 and 21/04, Afandou beach. Common in towns. Some, 17/04, Symi island.
85. Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica
Seen everywhere in small number but Lindos where at least 20, 20/04. Pairs at nest 08/04, Lakki gorges, 22/04, Kiotari beach and 25/04 in a cave, Traganou beach.
86. House Martin Delichon urbica
Uncommon along the coasts (but hundreds arriving from the sea on the east coast, 19/04). Nests in all villages, but not abundant. Some 17/04, Symi island.
87. Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris
At Afandou beach, at least16 (09/04) ; 4 (10/04) ; 8 (14/04) ; 7 (19/04) and 2 (24/04). 10/04, 4, Gandouras river. 11/04, 2, south Kattavia. 14/04, 4 Traganou beach. Some, 16/04, Haraki. One, 20/04, Lindos. 23/04, one Plimiri beach and 3 near cape Angomasi.. 25/04, 3 hill above Glystra Beach and 2 Traganou beach.
88. Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis.
Common in migration everywhere.
89. Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus
Afandou beach, ± 40 (09/04) ; 29 (14/04) ; 6 (19/04) ; 1 (25/04). 14/04, 1 Kremastis bridge. One, 17/04, Symi island. One, 18/04, Kremastis bridge. 23/04, 2 Plimiri beach. One in flight, 24/04, between Malona and Archangelos. 25/04, 2 arriving from the sea, above Glystra Beach.
90. Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava feldegg
Common 06 and 07/04, Kremastis bridge. Same place, 07/04, we saw males M. f. thunbergi (26, 08/04) and superciliaris (2, 08/04). At least 300 (2/3 flava, 1/3 feldegg, 2 thunbergi and 1 superciliaris), 09/04, Afandou beach. At the same site, at least 5 dombrowski 10/04. 14/04, ±150 Afandou beach (20 % de feldegg). Same site, 19/04, ±150 (60 % de feldegg and 40 % flava). 20/04, Lindos, we saw a flock of 11flava arriving from the sea. 25/04, a flock of 22 arriving from the sea, Gandouras mouth.
91. White Wagtail Motacilla alba
06, 07 and 08/04, Ialysos beach. One, 08 and 12/04, Kremastis bridge. 09 and 14/04, 3 Afandou beach. 11/04, 3 south Kattavia. One in song, 16/04, Antony Quinn beach. Two, 17/04, Symi island. 19/04, 3 Traganou beach. 21/04, one Apolakkia dam, 5 Gennadi beach and 4 Afandou beach.
92. Wren Troglodytes troglodytes
Singers 07/04, Ialysos acropolis. Some in song, 08/04 near Lakki. One, 11/04, Kritinia castle. 12/04, Profitis Ilias, 9 in song on 1 km then 11 in song on 3 km, 15/04 (a pair feeding youngs at nest). One in song, 16/04 between Malona and Archangelos.
93. Robin Erithacus rubecula
One, 13/04, garden in Rhodes town. Another, 19/04, Kallithéa forest.
94. Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos
Everywhere in small number from the 08/04.
95. Bluethroat Luscinia s. svecica
Male, 22/04, upstream Kremastis bridge. Perhaps the first for Rhodes.
96. Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus
A male samamisicus, 20/04, Lindos. Female, 21/04, Gennadi beach. Male phoenicurus, 23/04, Plimiri beach.
97. Winchat Saxicola rubetra
Widespread in small number ; seen everywhere. Maximum14, 23/04, Plimiri beach.
98. Stonechat Saxicola rubicola
Not common. Male, 21/04, Apolakkia dam. Pair with 3 juv., 22/04, Asklipio. Male alarming, 23/04, near cape Angomasi. Pair, 25/04, hill above Glystra Beach.
99. Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina
One, 18/04, Ialysos beach.
100. Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe
Uncommon. 4 males, 09/04, Afandou beach then 6 here, 10/04 and 3 14/04.At least 3, 11/04, south Kattavia. Male, 12/04, Kremastis bridge. 18/04, 3 Ialysos beach. 19/04, one Afandou golf, 1 near Colossos Beach Hotel (Faliraki) and 1 near Kallithéa. One, 20/04, Lindos. 21/04, 2 Traganou beach. Male, 23/04, Plimiri beach.
101. Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica melanoleuca
2 males, 09/04, Afandou beach. Female, 10/04, same place. 11/04, 2 males, south Kattavia. Male in song,12/04, Artamiti convent. One in song, 15/04, Kallithéa. At least 4 in song, Haraki castle, 16/04. Two in song, Symi island, 17/04. 18/04, 2 Ialysos beach. Two pairs, 19/04, above Kallithéa. At least 6 males in song between Lindos and Cleobule tomb, 20/04. Female, 23/04, near cape Angomasi. One in song, 25/04, hill above Glystra Beach.
102. Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius
Pair, 15/04, Kallithéa. At least 3 (2 in song), 17/04, Symi island. 19/04, pair, hill above Kallithéa. One in song, 24/04 above the road between Malona and Archangelos. Two males (1 in song), 25/04, hill above Glystra Beach.
103. Blackbird Turdus merula
Widespread in the forests.
104. Cetti Warbler Cettia cetti
One, 16/04, in the riparian forest between Malona and Archangelos.
105. Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
Common in the wetlands.
106. Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Common in the wetlands.
107. Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus
08/04, one Apolakkia dam and at least 3 Kremasti bridge (but only 1 14/04 in the last site). 10/04 and 19/04 one Afandou beach. 21/04, one Gennadi beach and one Traganou beach. One, 22/04, Kiotari beach. 23/01, 1 near cape Angomasi. 24/04, one between Malona and Archangelos, one upstream Kremastis bridge and one in a garden near the airport, Paradisi.
108. Pallid Warbler Hippolais pallida
One, 16/04, Haraki. One, 22/04, Kiotari beach. One (in song), 23/04 near cape Angomasi. One in song, 25/04, Gennadi.
109. Olive-tree Warbler Hippolais olivetorum
One, 21/04, Gennadi beach.
110. Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans albistriata
2 males, 06/04 and 1 female, 07/04, Ialysos beach.
111. Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala
Abundant everywhere but the forests. Pair feeding 3 pulli, 06/04, Ialysos ; pair feeding youngs 14/04, Traganou beach.
112. Eastern Orphean Warbler Sylvia crassirostris
One in song, 11/04, Kritinia castle. One in song, 20/04, Lindos. One in song, 25/04, hill above Glystra Beach.
113. Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca
19/04, 2 Afandou golf. At least 3, 20/04, Lindos. One, 21/04, Apolakkia dam. 22/04, 3 Kiotari beach. Two, 24/04, between Archangelos and Archipoli. 25/04, 3 hill above Glystra Beach.
114. Whitethroat Sylvia communis
One, 11/04, south Kattavia. One, 16/04, Haraki. At least 2, 20/04, Lindos. 22/04, 2 Kiotari beach. 23/04, one near cape Angomasi. One, 25/04, above Glystra Beach.
115. Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla
Common and widespread (migratory birds ?). One in song, 16/04, riparian forest between Malona and Archangelos and another, 19/04 Afandou golf. Two in song, 20/04, Lindos.
116. Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler Phylloscopus orientalis
One, 07/04, Ialysos beach. One, 09/04, Afandou golf. One in song, 11/04, Kritinia. 16/04, 2 Haraki.
117. Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix
One, 15/04, Profitis Ilias. 19/04, 2 Afandou beach and 2 Kallithéa. At least 4, 20/04, Lindos. 21/04, 4 Apolakkia dam and 3 Gennadi beach. One, 22/04 Kiotari beach. 24/04, one between Malona and Archangelos and another between Archangelos and Archipoli.
118. Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita
One in song (collybita), 14/04, Afandou. We saw twice P. c. tristis : 1, 07/04, in a garden near Ialysos beach, and one 23/04 near Plimiri beach.
119. Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus
07/04, 1 Ialysos beach and 2 Ialysos acropolis. 2, 08/04, Apolakkia dam. 09/04, 3 Afandou beach, then 2 (14/04 and 16/04). One, 20/04, Lindos. One, 24/04, between Malona and Archangelos.
120. Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata
Widespread from the 19/04.
121. Semicollared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata
Male, 16/04, Haraki. Female, 19/04, Kallithéa.
122. Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis
Male arriving from the sea, 14/04, Traganou beach. Male, 20/04, between Lindos and Cleobule tomb. Male, 21/04, Apolakkia dam. 22/04, at least 4 (3 males), Asklipio. One, 24/04, between Malona and Archangelos.
123. Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca
19/04, 1 Afandou beach, 2 Afandou golf and 3 Kallithéa. One, 20/04, Lindos. 21/04, 2 Apolakkia dam. 23/04, 2 Plimiri beach. 24/04, 2 between Archangelos and Archipoli. 25/04, 2 (1 arriving from the sea) near Glystra Beach.
124. Blue Tit Parus caeruleus calamensis
Widespread and common in old olive-tree orchards (4 in song on 1 km, 16/04 between Malona and Archangelos). 15/04, Profitis Ilias, 8 in song on 3 km. 24/04, on 3 km in olive-tree, between Archangelos and Archipoli, 19 (8 in song). There is no other Tit in the island. Not on Symi.
125. Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus
4 (3 males), 20/04, Lindos. 21/04, 2 Apolakkia dam. 24/04, one between Malona and Archangelos and 1 between Archangelos and Archipoli.
126. Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator
Widespread and common, above all in the olive-tree orchards in the south. 10/04, at least 4 in song (7 birds) in the old olive trees near the Gandouras mouth. 19/04, one L. s. niloticus, Afandou golf.
127. Jay Garrulus glandarius anatoliae
Widespread in all the forests and old orchards. 24/04, 7 between Archangelos and Archipoli. This birds are very different than west European. Cheeks are white and the birds have a black cap.
128. Hooded Crow Corvus cornix sharpei
Common, also in towns. Pairs building nests 20/04, Lindos and 21/04 Apolakkia dam. Not on Symi island
129. Raven Corvus corax laurencii
One, 07/07, Koumoulia summit. Pair at nest, 08/04, Lakki gorges. 11/04, 2 Kritinia castle and 1 south Kattavia. One, 12/04, Artamiti convent. Two, 16/04, Haraki castle. One, 20/04, Lindos. One, 21/04, Lardos beach. 2, 23/04, near cape Angomasi. 25/04, 3 pulli at nest, hill above Glystra Beach.
130. House Sparrow Passer domesticus
Very abundant in towns. Common on Symi island.
131. Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis
One male and 3 females, 06 and 07/04, Sun Beach hotel, Ialysos. 11/04, 3 (2 males) south Kattavia. Tens, in 3 flocks, 13/04, above Ialysos beach and at least 3000 in 2h, 18/04, same place. Numerous also 19/04 on the east coast ( ± 300 in some flocks, Afandou golf). 21/04, Apolakkia (± 400 in about 10 flocks). 22/04, 5 Kremastis bridge. 23/04, very important migration on the both coasts. 24/04, between 6h and 6h15 a.m., thousands of birds (± 5 000 ?) leaving the roost, Ialysos beach.
132. Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs
Very common in forests (12 in song on 1 km Profitis Ilias, 12/04, then 17 in song on 3 km, 15/04). One in song, 17/04, Symi island.
133. Greenfinch Carduelis chloris
Common everywhere.
134. Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis
Only 3, 06/04, in the gardens near Ialysos where there are tens in cage !! 2, 08/04, Apolakkia dam. One in song, 12/04, Artamiti convent. 22/04, 2 Kiotari beach.
135. Siskin Carduelis spinus
About 30, together, Profitis Ilias, 12/04. Same place, 6, 15/04.
136. Linnet Carduelis cannabina
About 35, 09/04, Afandou beach. 19/04, 2 hill above Kallithéa. 22/04, 2 Kiotari beach and 2 Asklipio. One, 24/04, Kremastis bridge.
137. Trumpeter Finch Bucanethes githagineus
Male with the Linnets, 09/04, Afandou beach. Perhaps the first for Rhodes.
138. Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana
2, 18/04, Ialysos beach and 1 Kremastis bridge. 19/04, one in song, hill above Kallithéa. 21/04, one, Apolakkia dam. Male, 22/04, Asklipio.
139. Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala
Male In song, 25/04, Kiotari beach.
140. Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra
Widespread. About 30 (together), 21/04, south Apolakkia.
Georges & Mireille Olioso, le Mail, 26230 Grignan (France)