UNDP/BirdLife International Migratory Soaring Birds project website
The Migratory Soaring Birds project, covering 11 countries along the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway, one of the most important flyways in the world, aims to mainstream birds’ conservation into the strategies, management and activities of the Agriculture, Energy, Hunting, Tourism and Waste Management sectors in each country. This is being achieved through building strategic partnerships with key sector stakeholders and mainstreaming into on-going or planned projects and processes that deal with these sectors.
The project has just launched its new website – www.migratorysoaringbirds.undp.birdlife.org
The website provides all needed information about the project, its latest
developments and events and showcases the tools developed and will soon also
host the pioneering wind
energy sensitivity mapping web-tool which will provide
valuable information on the potential impact on birds of wind energy
development along the flyway!