OSME’s first online Winter Meeting: 23rd January 2021

Following on from the success of our first-ever online Summer Meeting using Zoom, we’ll be holding an online Winter Meeting on Saturday 23rd January.
The full programme is now available here.
The meeting will be held using Zoom, and please register as soon as possible using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlfumgrD4qG9TnxYCq0SwuMXxIc2zM3TzJ
Our line-up of speakers is as follows
- Hana Raza of Nature Iraq will talk about conservation in Kurdistan
- Oleg Kashkarov of the Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds (UzSPB) showcasing their work to develop Local Site Support Groups to protect Talimerzan for the benefit of the Critically Endangered Sociable Lapwing
- Suaad Al Harthi, the Executive Director of the Environment Society of Oman who will be talking about the importance of Barr Al Hikman for shorebirds
- Basma Sheta will be discussing the birds of Egypt and their conservation and ecology.
The final session will be an open discussion with Tomas Haraldsson about the OSME Youth Development Fund where he’ll be highlighting the work so far and seeking your ideas and input to develop the programme further.
I been ringed turtle dove chicks more than 11 years it’s breeding at Bahrain at summer time
From May to August and I confirm after during migration she staying winter time at east Africa it’s mean different track and breeding ground from Europe turtle dove
But still our turtle dove Cary same name Europe turtle dove
Can In the future change the name off our turtle dove
Like Arabian turtle dove please because breeding ground at Arabian peninsula