Save the date: 20th January 2024 – OSME’s next online Winter Meeting

Unfortunately, we had to postpone our planned winter meeting and move it from December to January. The new date is the 20th January, so please add this date to your diary. Our previous online meetings have been very popular with our members and supporters from across the OSME Region. We’re finalising the programme but we have several confirmed speakers who will be talking about their projects that have received funding from our various small grants programmes. The talks include:
- Fly with us to the Eymir Ornithological Research Center. Presented by Bahar Öksüzer (a project supported by OSME’s Youth Development Fund).
- Conservation of Sociable Lapwings at Talimarzhan Natural Sanctuary, Uzbekistan. Presented by Oleg Kashkarov (a project supported by OSME’s Conservation Fund, the Bird Conservation Fund and Wader Quest).
- The Common Swift conservation project in Iran. Presented by Abraham Shokouhi.
- Shearwater surveys around Cyprus. Presented by Antaia Christou (a project supported by OSME’s Conservation Fund)
More details will follow soon, including how to register, but for now please add the 20th January 2024 (10.00am – 12.30pm, GMT) to your diaries.