OSME library finds a new home at the BTO

For a long time, the OSME library has been something of a mobile affair, housed by willing volunteers from OSME Council. In recent years, former Council member Guy Kirwan had the rather thankless task of looking after numerous box files of ‘grey literature’, including some rare and otherwise difficult-to-source material from the OSME region. However, with countless other books to store, Guy was out of space and asked OSME to seek a new home for the library.

Fortunately, BTO have stepped in, with Librarian Carole Showell and Information Services Manager Peter Lack agreeing to take on the task of incorporating the OSME library into the BTO’s holdings at the Nunnery, Thetford. OSME are extremely grateful for this act of generosity, which provides long-term security for the material and greater accessibility to it for OSME and BTO members alike. The ‘grey literature’ (reports, newsletters etc) have already been allocated a new home, while the books will be incorporated soon.

The BTO library already receives a complimentary copy of our excellent journal, Sandgrouse, which is also now housed permanently in the Biodiversity Heritage Library www.biodiversitylibrary.org.

Once all the books have been indexed and added to the library, we will make a further announcement on how OSME members can access the literature housed at the BTO in the coming months.

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