Tagged: Wings and Waves

The latest (October 2015) issue of Wings & Waves, the newsletter of SPNL

The latest (October 2015) issue of Wings & Waves, the newsletter of SPNL

The latest (October 2015) issue of Wings & Waves, the newsletter of SPNL/Birdlife Lebanon, is available at the following link: http://www.spnl.org/wings-waves-newsletter-october-2015/ Articles include: 1. SPNL participates in MAVA’s Strategic Planning Workshop for the Mediterranean Basin Programme From 17...

The July 2014 issue of Wings and Waves

The Newsletter of the Society for the Protection of Wildlife in Lebanon (SPNL) in conjunction with Birdlife Lebanon and Birdlife International is available at the following link. http://www.zsl.org/science/events/biodiversity-and-conservation-in-the-m… Topics include: A report on Birdlife International’s 48th Global Council...