The Nature of Iraq – from Marshes to Mountains

4 – 25 July 2010 at the BIRDscapes Gallery, Glandford in North Norfolk, England.
Hosted by Nature Iraq and BirdLife International.
A story in photographs and words of the work of Nature Iraq in a forgotten wildlife paradise.
The exhibition will show, through photographs, the wonderful scenery and wildlife of Iraq as well as tell the story of the work of Nature Iraq. Over the last six years NI has made summer and winter surveys of the Mesopotamian Marshes, the western steppes and the woods and mountains of Kurdistan – to help identify the key biodiversity areas for conservation action. In addition educational books on wildlife have been produced – including a field guide in Arabic – and a programme started to tackle irresponsible hunting and persecution. There will be a sale of prints, greeting cards and other items in support of Nature Iraq. There will also be a sale of specially commissioned artwork on the wildlife of Iraq.