Satellite-tracked Scottish Cuckoo reaches the OSME region! (News from BTO)
01/08/2012. Those who managed to attend the OSME Summer Meeting on 7 July
will recognise the importance of the presentation of the first speaker, Paul
Stancliffe, who talked about tracking migrants into Africa.
A summary is given below but follow the full story at…
The Scottish-ringed cuckoo ‘BB’ crossed the Mediterranean Sea and, by early evening 25 July, had made it to Egypt. The tag transmission showed him close to the border with Libya and it looked like he was continuing southwards when the transmissions ended. BB’s movement into Egypt makes him BTO’s easternmost Cuckoo yet and he is the first to transmit from over Egypt and the OSME region.
BB continued his movement south from Egypt and successfully completed his desert crossing during the early hours of Saturday 28 July, reaching south-western Sudan by the time his tag stopped transmitting, becoming the first of BTO’s tracked Cuckoos recorded in that country. By the morning of Monday 30 July, he had moved 193km (120 miles) due W to a location just over the border in Chad.