OSME at the Birdfair 2014

14/02/2014, Mike Jennings, a founding member and long-term supporter of OSME, and Arabian bird expert extraordinaire, recently made a very generous donation of 2 copies of his ground-breaking ‘Atlas of the breeding birds of Arabia.’ OSME are extremely grateful for the support of Mike and are planning to use both copies to raise money for our Conservation Research Fund, as well as raise the profile of our work.
We’re pleased to announce that one copy of the Atlas has been donated as an OSME contribution to the 2014 Birdfair auction – and as we understand – we are the first to commit a prize this year!!!

On hearing OSMEs plans, Mike added – “The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Arabia has been a voluntary project involving some 500 observers, national records and others over almost three decades. It has resulted in an atlas that brings together everything known on the distribution, ecology and breeding of more than 270 breeding birds in the Arabian Peninsula. Although for most of that period the project was supported by the Saudi Wildlife Authority, I am very grateful to OSME for its initial financial support back in the 1980s, for various grants over the years on surveys to little recorded areas, and for its general help, support and encouragement since the project started. I am proud to have been one of the founders of the Society back in the 1970s”.
Following the most recent OSME Council meeting on the 8th February our planning for this year’s Birdfair is well underway, and we are looking forward to seeing as many members and supporters, including new ones, as possible. Further information will be available on the web-site, Facebook and Twitter during the coming months.