Hyaena records from across the OSME region wanted

Range maps for all 4 Hyaena species including the striped hyaena, spotted hyaena, brown hyaena and aardwolf, have not been updated since 1998. Until the end of 2018, the IUCN Hyena Specialist Group is compiling observation records for all 4 of these species. These records will form the basis for new range maps and will be the first step towards a new status survey and conservation action plan for the Hyaenidae.
Our guiding research objectives for this project are:
1) to provide an updated global distribution map for all 4 hyaena species
2) to compare the distribution maps to the 1998 Action Plan
3) to collate all known density information
4) to identify key threats for each species and/or geographic region
As an active birder, we know you frequently travel to wild places at times of day that most people consider the middle of the night. As such, you may see things few other people observe. We welcome your help in our push for compiling hyaena observations.

You can help in a few ways:
1) Submit data or suggested contacts to Andrew Jacobson: mapping@hyaenaspecialistgroup.org.
2) Alternatively, you can post observations at iNaturalist.org, and they will be automatically added to our project there (https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/hyaena-distribution-mapping-project-2018). There are now over 1000 observations included in the project.
3) Spread the news to other birders & researchers. Hyaena HSG Facebook post. https://www.facebook.com/hyaenaspecialistgroup/photos/a.303255260146288.1073741828.252402461898235/420906251714521/?type=3&theater