Certificate of Recognition

While many of the problems facing birds and the environment in the OSME region will only be solved by the work of governments and NGOs, a great many individuals are selflessly devoting much of their time, energy and resources to ‘make a difference’ at a local level. OSME feels strongly that such commitment should be recognised and therefore we are launching an annual Certificate of Recognition award which includes £200 worth of books from the Natural History Book Service (NHBS).
We are delighted to announce that the first recipient is Ahmad Aidek from Syria for the production of A Guide to the Biodiversity of Deir ez-Zor Area which was published in 2010 – see plates 1, 2 and 3. This photographic guide to the flora and fauna of the area is for free distribution to local schools, universities, conservation staff and interested locals. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing situation in Syria, it has not yet been possible to send Ahmed his certificate or books.

OSME is now inviting nominations for this year’s award. Nominees
should be residents of the OSME region who have made an outstanding individual
contribution to the conservation of species or sites locally. This can take the
form of research, awareness-raising or practical action. Nominations should be
no more than two pages of A4 and clearly state why the action carried out is
‘outstanding’ and provide details of:
the issue that was addressed
the action(s) that was carried out
the successful outcome.

supporting material such as photographs, media coverage etc are also welcome.
Nominations should be sent by email to the OSME Secretary – secretary@osme.org – by
31 October 2013.
NOTE – self-nominations are not permitted and the £200 award is for books only
and cannot be taken as cash.