Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Arabia: 2015 records

Observers in the Arabian Peninsula are asked to send in their personal observations of breeding species for 2015 when it is convenient, e.g. after a visit or at the end of the local breeding season. It is impossible for me to find everything published in blogs and the various world public bird databases, so those observers who put their records on such media are also asked to send their records direct to ABBA. I will be happy to send observers a pack containing the ‘instructions for contributors’ and the report forms for ABBA, either in hard copy of or as PDF/MSWord doc files. ABBA uses a half degree grid square so a map of the ABBA squares, a list of breeding species and the ABBA breeding evidence code will all be supplied.
Please note that although the project has been going for many years databases like ABBA cannot have too many records, even of common widespread species in well watched places. This is particularly important in the era of climate change as we start to notice habitats, populations and distributions change, perhaps as a result of this. So all records will be welcomed.
Some species are already showing significant range extensions since the publication of the Atlas in 2010 and of course others are contracting, so it is important to try and keep an eye on these changes. In the same period nine new species have bred in the peninsula.
ABBA works closely with the natural history groups active in
Arabia and with their ornithological recorders, so that benefits may accrue to
all parties. Information is regularly passed between ABBA and such groups and
recorders. Individual contributors are strongly encouraged to copy all
their ABBA reports to their local group or bird recorder.
All information passed on by the project does, wherever possible, credit the original
observer but observers do have the option of remaining anonymous when records
are passed on and can put any reasonable embargo on their own records once on
the ABBA database.
It is not too late to send in old reports – of any age. Many thanks to all those observers and recorders who contributed records for 2014.
Anyone needing information for non-commercial purposes in respect of individual species or local regions, anywhere in the Arabian Peninsula, can be sent ABBA data free of charge.
Please note that a few copies of the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Arabia (Jennings, M. C. 2010. Fauna of Arabia Vol 25.), are still available for sale. To save posting and insurance costs copies can be picked up by arrangement at the OSME AGM in July or at the OSME stand at the British Bird Fair in August. The preferential price to OSME members includes a £10 donation to OSME. Details available on request.
Mike Jennings
Coordinator: Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Arabia
Warners Farm House, Warners Drove,
Somersham, Cambridgeshire, PE28 3WD, UK.
Tel: 01487 841733 (Intl 0044 1487 841733)