Save the date: 23rd January 2021 – OSME’s first online Winter Meeting

One of the few positives to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic has been the willingness to trial new ways of holding meetings and engaging with friends and colleagues remotely. During 2020 OSME postponed our AGM and Summer Meeting for the first time in more than 50 years. Instead, we held a hugely successful online Summer Meeting using Zoom. A poll held at the meeting overwhelmingly agreed that OSME should run more online events in the future.
So, save the date – on the 23rd January 2021 OSME will hold our first ever Winter Meeting. The full programme is being finalised but we already have speakers confirmed, including:
- Suaad Al Harthi, the Executive Director of the Environment Society of Oman who will be talking about the importance of Barr Al Hikman for shorebirds
- Patrick Styles on his Master’s research on the movements of Cyprus Wheatears fledgelings before migration
- Hana Raza of Nature Iraq on conservation in Kurdistan
- Oleg Kashkarov of the Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds (UzSPB) on their work to develop Local Site Support Groups to protect Talimerzan for the benefit of the Critically Endangered Sociable Lapwing
Further details, including how to register, will be available in the coming weeks, but in the meantime please add the 23rd January 2021 to your diaries.