Illegal killing of birds in the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Iran: peer-review

As previously highlighted, BirdLife International and OSME are undertaking a Review of illegal killing and taking of birds in the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Iran. This project extends the geographic scope of the previous BirdLife Initernational review of the illegal killing and taking of birds in the Mediterranean region, which has proven a useful information source for the CMS intergovernmental Task Force set up to tackle the issue (see scientific paperlayman’s report and full report, all used as information documents at the 1st meeting of the CMS intergovernmental Task Force).

One of the key objectives of this initiative is to compile national level information on the worst locations for illegal killing, the practices used and numbers of individuals per species illegally killed/taken. In order to achieve this, BirdLife Partners, OSME members and other experts have compiled relevant data on illegal killing and taking of birds in their country in a national template.

These national data are now available for peer-review to ensure they are as accurate as possible and integrate all relevant sources of information. Please bear in mind that these data are preliminary and confidential and shouldn’t be used for any other purpose.

The data for review can be found on the BirdLife Globally Threatened Bird Forum

Please provide feedback, corrections, additional information or comments by email ( by the end of February. Any feedback will then be used by BirdLife Partners, OSME members and other data compilers to revise the data, and these revised datasets will be used in our analysis present a regional overview of illegal killing and taking of birds.

For a small number of countries, the datasets have not yet been finalized: these will be uploaded as soon as they completed.

For more information about this project, please contact Anne-Laure Brochet (

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