Tagged: Illegal Bird Killing

Interested in an organised birding trip to Lebanon?

Lebanon has the potential to be an excellent birding destination but there are currently few, if any, organised trips to check out the ornithological highlights. If anything, the country is better known for its high level of...

The illegal bird killing in Lebanon

Guest blog by Assad Serhal I am sure that many of you are aware of the huge problems of illegal poaching, trapping and trade of migatory and resident species in the OSME region. The 2015 report by...

Sustainable Hunting Conference in Lebanon

Guest blog by James Hogg I am sure anyone reading this knows that the hunting of birds in Lebanon as with elsewhere in the Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa is a serious problem. Birdlife International in their report “The...

Words from BirdLife International’s Middle East Office

Guest blog from Majd Abu Zaghlan I feel very fortunate that I was born and raised in Jordan – a Mediterranean country blessed with a stunning mix of breathtaking marvels, natural resources and many unique species. From the...