Sandgrouse now available as a Digital Edition
We’re delighted that after a period of significant trials we can now offer a digital edition of Sandgrouse free to all our members. It was enthusiastically welcomed at its Rutland Birdfair launch with many members requesting access.
We have worked with the leading company in the field, PageSuite, to produce a high quality, web-based edition with a link delivered by email to enable access via phone, tablet or computer.

It is searchable and extracts or the whole edition can be easily downloaded using some very simple tools.
To make it even more attractive we have included an archive of all editions since 2017.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to reach some of our members in the region with several countries having disrupted and therefore unreliable postal services. This was the original thinking behind the project, but we have also realised that there is a growing expectation that all publications should now be digitally accessible.
It is also important that we respond to the green agenda, so now members can take our journal without the associated paper, printing and distribution costs and other environmental challenges, if they so choose.

The Digital Edition is being offered free to all members and it allows us to now consider the possibility of offering it free or at a significantly reduced rate for example to younger members in the region and those in full time education.
Some members have already indicated they would wish to just take the digital edition with the added benefit of a significant saving in postage costs. This will be money that can well be used elsewhere and it’s certain that postage costs will continue to rise!
We will be asking subscribers not to pass this on to third parties and not to post the material elsewhere without reference to the Editor.
To access please email. and state whether you would like this in addition to the printed journal or just digitally. We will then ensure you get your first digital edition when Sandgrouse is published next in Spring 2020.