Sandgrouse is published by OSME and contains papers and short notes on the ornithology of the OSME region, provides bird and conservation news from the region and a comprehensive round-up of bird sightings in the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Sandgrouse volume 43 (1) Spring 2021

Cover photo: Migrating White Storks Ciconia ciconia. This issue contains a number of articles on the impressive East African-Eurasian flyway of migrating soaring birds, one of the most important ornithological features of the OSME region. ©Yoav Perlman
2 | Monitoring of migratory soaring birds in the East African-Eurasian flyway: a review and recommendations for future steps. |
Ben Jobson, Tris Allinson, Rob Sheldon, Wouter Vansteelant, Evan Buechley, Steffen Oppel & Vicky Jones | |
24 | Observations of large-scale diurnal raptor migration in the Horn of Africa. |
Megan Murgatroyd, Evan R Buechley, Andres De La Cruz Munoz, Juan Ramirez Roman, Gabriel Caucal, Alazar Ruffo, Houssein Rayaleh & Cağan H Şekercioğlu | |
34 | Spring migration of soaring raptors, pelicans and storks over the eastern desert of Egypt. |
Saber A. Riad & El-Sayed I. Abdel-Halim | |
43 | A phenological analysis of spring and autumn bird migration through the United Arab Emirates. |
Oscar Campbell & Mark Smiles | |
90 | Adult sex ratio and identification of Eastern Orphean Warbler Sylvia crassirostris during autumn migration. |
Ron Haran, Tali Magory Cohen & Roi Dor | |
99 | A review of the status of breeding Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in the Sultanate of Oman, 1980-2017. |
Ian Harrison & Mick Green | |
112 | Update on the status of White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala and its breeding phenology in Central Anatolia, Turkey. |
Kaan Ozgenci̇l & Alaz Uslu | |
123 | First documented nest observations and notes on the distribution of Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegalus in south-western Saudi Arabia. |
Mohammed Shobrak, Ahmad Neyazi, Abdullah Al Suhaibany & Ali Al Faqih | |
129 | Status and distribution of the invasive Common Myna Acridotheres tristis in the West Bank, Palestine. |
Elias N. Handal & Mazin B. Qumsiyeh | |
133 | New observations of See-see Partridge Ammoperdix griseogularis in Armenia. |
Karen Aghababayn, Gagik Gevorgyan & Mkrtich Boyajyan | |
136 | First successful breeding of Red-wattled Lapwing Vanellus indicus and Little Egret Egretta garzetta in Saudi Arabia. |
Philip Roberts | |
139 | First record of White-eyed Gull Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus and first possible breeding of Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea in Lebanon. |
Ghassan Ramadan-Jaradi & Michel Sawan | |
142 | First record of Franklin’s Gull Leucophaeus pipixcan for Egypt and its status in the OSME region. |
Mark Dennis, Sandra Dennis & Łukasz Ławicki | |
146 | First records of Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla for Azerbaijan. |
Pia Fetting & Jonas Buddemeier | |
151 | The first record of Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis in the Palestinian Territories. |
Bashar Jarayseh | |
153 | From the Rarities Committees. |
Ian Harrison (Compiler) | |
158 | Letter from the Chairman. |
Rob Sheldon | |
163 | Dates for your Diary |
164 | Around the Region. |
Ian Harrison (Compiler) |
Editor | Dr Paul Donald Sandgrouse editor. |
Editorial Board | AbdulRahman Al-Sirhan (Kuwait), Dr Raffael Ayé (Switzerland), Jem Babbington (Saudi Arabia, photo consultant) Arnoud van den Berg (Netherlands), Michael Blair (UK), Chris Bradshaw (UK), Dr Gary Brown (Germany), Oscar Campbell (UAE), Peter Castell (UK), Pia Fetting (Germany), Peter Flint (UK), Dr Robert Flood (UK), Paul Goriup (UK), Jens Hering (Germany), Mike Jennings (UK), Dr Abolghasem Khaleghizadeh (Iran), Dr Fares Khoury (Jordan), Dr Alan Knox (UK), Andrew Lassey (UK), Dr Mike McGrady (Austria), Dr Stephen Newton (Ireland), Yoav Perlman (Israel), Aasheesh Pittie (India), Richard Porter (UK), Hana Ahmed Raza (Iraq), Colin Richardson (Cyprus), Anna Sandor (Hungary), Dr Manuel Schweizer (Switzerland), Dr Derek Scott (UK), Dr Robert Sheldon (UK), Dr Ruth Tingay (UK), Arend Wassink (Netherlands), Geoff Welch (France) |