
Sandgrouse is published by OSME and contains papers and short notes on the ornithology of the OSME region, provides bird and conservation news from the region and a comprehensive round up of bird sightings in the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Sandgrouse volume 40 (2) Autumn 2018

Sandgrouse 40 (2) (2018)

Cover photo: Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius, East Balkash region, Kazakhstan, 13 May 2011. © Yves Hingrat

130Two new species for Lebanon, White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala and Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus, and two other interesting records for Lebanon
 Ghassan Ramadan-Jaradi & Fouad Itani
133Diet of the Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus, Jordan.
 Mohammad A Abu Baker, Ibrahim Al Hasani & Zuhair S Amr
138Breeding populations of Great Bustard and Little Bustard in South Kazakhstan province, Republic of Kazakhstan.
 Thomas Edward Martin, Romain Guerin, Fabienne Fages, Alexis Martineau & Yves Hingrat
144The birds of Bujagh national park, Iran, 2004–2016
 Abbas Ashoori
157First record of subsong and vocal duetting in the Purple Sunbird Cinnyris asiaticus, United Arab Emirates.
 André-Alexander Weller
162Breeding birds of Hayl al Jawari area, Jebal Sarah, Jebal al Akhdar mountains, northern Oman.
 Michael C Jennings
176Taxonomic advances and mysteries in the OSME Region
 Yoav Perlman, Michael Blair & Rob Sheldon
186Yet another superlative for Dubai? Feral pigeon Columba livia on the 124th floor of the Burj Khalifa.
 Thomas Donegan & Blanca Huertas
188From the Rarities Committees
 Ian Harrison (compiler)
195Around the Region.
 Ian Harrison (compiler)
Editor:Dr Peter Cowan Sandgrouse editor, University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman/Chesterfield, UK.
Editorial BoardAbdulRahman Al-Sirhan (Kuwait), Vasil Ananian (Armenia), Dr Raffael Ayé (Switzerland), Jem Babbington (Saudi Arabia, photo consultant), Arnoud van den Berg (Netherlands), Michael Blair (UK), Chris Bradshaw (UK), Dr Gary Brown (Germany), Oscar Campbell (UAE), Peter Castell (UK), Dr Paul Donald (UK), Peter Flint (UK), Dr Robert Flood (UK), Paul Goriup (UK), Jens Hering (Germany), Mike Jennings (UK), Dr Abolghasem Khaleghizadeh (Iran), Dr Fares Khoury (Jordan), Dr Alan Knox (UK), Andrew Lassey (UK), Dr Mike McGrady (Austria), Dr Stephen Newton (Ireland), Yoav Perlman (Israel), Aasheesh Pittie (India), Richard Porter (UK), Colin Richardson (Cyprus), Dr Manuel Schweizer (Switzerland), Dr Derek Scott (UK), Dr Robert Sheldon (UK), Arend Wassink (Netherlands), Geoff Welch (France).