Sandgrouse is published by OSME and contains papers and short notes on the ornithology of the OSME region, provides bird and conservation news from the region, and a comprehensive round-up of bird sightings in the Middle East, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.
Sandgrouse volume 46 (2) Autumn 2024

Photo above and cover photo: Egyptian Nightjar Caprimulgus aegyptius drinking at pool, Wadi Ali, Bahrain, June 2024. We normally dedicate the front and inside cover photos to a species featured in one or more articles in the current issue, but occasionally photographs are sent to us that demand to be shared! © Abdullah AlKaabi
154 | The Arabian Bustard Ardeotis arabs in Arabia: past, present and prospects. |
Nigel J Collar, Michael C Jennings, Jacky Judas, Mimi Kessler, Richard Porter & Mohammad Shobrak | |
175 | Nest counts of White Stork Ciconia ciconia asiatica in the Fergana valley, Uzbekistan. |
Mariya Alexeyevna Gritsina, Rustam Isakdjanovich Ibragimov, Elena Aleksandrovna Bykova, Timur Valereevich Abduraupov, Aleksandr Viktorovich Esipov, Relisa Adolfovna Granovskaya, Erik Timurovich Salimov, Shahzod Ibroyim O’g’li Dehqonov, Yuriy Alexandrovich Mun, Dinara Remzievna Adiloiva, Valentin Alexandrovich Soldatov & Grigoriy Viktorovich Bystrushkin | |
188 | Annual movements of two Steppe Eagles Aquila nipalensis wintering in northern Oman. |
Michael J Mcgrady, Matthias Schmidt, Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg & Faisal Al Lamki | |
200 | Use of waste disposal sites by the globally endangered Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis in Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman. |
Taimur Al Said, Faisal Al Lamki, Mohamed Hubais, Salim Al Amri, Suhail Bait Said & Michael J Mcgrady | |
209 | Prey composition of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in citrus agriculture of the Jordan River, Jordan. |
Ehab Eid, Zeina Juma, Mohammad Farid Alayyan & Mohammad Abu Baker | |
214 | Breeding of Kentish Plovers Anarhynchus alexandrinus at Lake Nasser, southern Egypt. |
Jens Hering, Hans-Joachim Fünfstück, Olaf Geiter & Dirk Tolkmitt | |
217 | Breeding of Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus in the South Caucasus. |
Zulfu Farajli | |
220 | Suspected decline in the breeding population of Sooty Falcons Falco concolor on the islands of northern Oman: an update. |
Taimur Al Said, Hamood Al Neri, Hassan Al Darweshi, Khamis Al Sabai, Ahmed Al Siyabi, Said Al Balushi, Ahmed N Al Wahaibi, Ahmed M Al Wahaibi & Michael J Mcgrady | |
223 | First documented breeding of Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus in Armenia. |
Tsovinar Hovhannisyan, Ruben Khachatryan & Berta Martirosyan | |
226 | The first Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus griseldis for Jordan. |
Fares Khoury, Farah Al-Khlifat, Ahmad Islayeh, Meriam Rihani & Alistair Walsh | |
229 | A record of Little Curlew Numenius minutus from the United Arab Emirates. |
Michael Mills & Oscar Campbell | |
232 | Poaching and disease transmission in a migratory Black Stork Ciconia nigra at an Egyptian wastewater site. |
Nader Gebril | |
236 | Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis in Tajikistan: an addition to the avifauna of Central Asia. |
Andrew J Spencer & Puja Sharma | |
239 | From the Rarities Committees. |
Ian Harrison (Compiler) | |
248 | OSME Regional Round-up. |
Simon Tull (Compiler) | |
261 | Letter from the Chairman. |
Rob Sheldon | |
264 | OSME’s Youth Development Fund: the first five years 2019-2023. |
Tomas Axén Haraldsson & Rob Sheldon | |
277 | Book Review: The Birds of Cyprus: An Annotated Checklist. BOC Checklist Series No. 28. |
Paul Donald | |
279 | Obituary: Martin Hellicar (1968-2024). |
Birdlife Cyprus | |
281 | Around the Region. |
Ian Harrison, Jane Stylianou & Simon Tull (Compilers) |
Editor | Dr Paul Donald Sandgrouse editor. |
Editorial Board | AbdulRahman Al-Sirhan (Kuwait), Dr Raffael Ayé (Switzerland), Jem Babbington (Saudi Arabia, photo consultant) Arnoud van den Berg (Netherlands), Michael Blair (UK), Chris Bradshaw (UK), Dr Gary Brown (Germany), Oscar Campbell (UAE), Peter Castell (UK), Pia Fetting (Germany), Peter Flint (UK), Dr Robert Flood (UK), Paul Goriup (UK), Jens Hering (Germany), Mike Jennings (UK), Dr Abolghasem Khaleghizadeh (Iran), Dr Fares Khoury (Jordan), Dr Alan Knox (UK), Andrew Lassey (UK), Dr Mike McGrady (Austria), Dr Stephen Newton (Ireland), Yoav Perlman (Israel), Aasheesh Pittie (India), Richard Porter (UK), Hana Ahmed Raza (Iraq), Colin Richardson (Cyprus), Anna Sandor (Hungary), Dr Manuel Schweizer (Switzerland), Dr Derek Scott (UK), Dr Robert Sheldon (UK), Dr Ruth Tingay (UK), Arend Wassink (Netherlands), Geoff Welch (France) |