Interested in an organised birding trip to Lebanon?

Lebanon has the potential to be an excellent birding destination but there are currently few, if any, organised trips to check out the ornithological highlights. If anything, the country is better known for its high level of illegal bird killing. OSME want to help change the perception of Lebanon and help it become a destination that birders consider visiting. By showing that birds can have an economic value through the promotion of eco-tourism we hope to highlight there are alternatives to illegal hunting.
OSME are teaming up with Sunbird to develop a suitable itinerary for birders and potentially arrange an organised trip to the country next spring. This is very much in the early stages of thinking and development and we are looking to see how much interest there is in such a tour. Dates are not yet confirmed but are likely to be for a 10-day period in late March or April 2019. The tour is likely to be all inclusive and for up to 10-12 people. Further details will be announced in the coming month. At this stage it is difficult to highlight what species we will be targeting, but we hope to include sites where at least some of the following are possible – Syrian Serin, Sombre Tit, Eastern Orphean Warbler, Syrian Woodpecker, Cretzchmar’s Bunting, Mourning Wheatear, Yelkouan Shearwater, and depending on the timing a whole range of migrants heading north. We are also looking into opportunities to take in the local culture and architecture.
Are you interested? We would be keen to receive any expression of interest, so please email me at chairman AT to be added to a list for receiving information as details emerge.
Rob Sheldon, OSME Chairman