Thanks to Keith Betton
While writing the above account of the 2010 Summer Meeting, I realised, with much embarrassment, that this is the first write-up since 2008. The main reason for my embarrassment though is that as a result, OSME has...
While writing the above account of the 2010 Summer Meeting, I realised, with much embarrassment, that this is the first write-up since 2008. The main reason for my embarrassment though is that as a result, OSME has...
One of the popular events at the annual British Birdwatching Fair is the Bird Brain of Britain Quiz that taxes the specialist and general ornithological knowledge of a representative of each of the four regional bird clubs....
Following the successful, and ground-breaking, transfer of a small number of Northern Bald Ibis from the semi-wild population at Birecik, Turkey to the only known wild breeding colony in Syria, the birds are now on their way...
4 – 25 July 2010 at the BIRDscapes Gallery, Glandford in North Norfolk, England. Hosted by Nature Iraq and BirdLife International. A story in photographs and words of the work of Nature Iraq in a forgotten wildlife paradise....
The Programme for this year’s OSME’s Summer Meeting and AGM is now finalised. It will be held from 11.00 on Saturday 10 July at BTO, Thetford, Norfolk. Doors open 10.00. All welcome. Speakers include Simon Busuttil, Raffael...
As indicated in last year’s Chairman’s Report, OSME started 2009 facing a year of financial restraint but thanks to concerted efforts by all of Council and excellent financial planning and management by the Treasurer, John Warr, we...
Copies of the Minutes of the 31st AGM and the Accounts for 2009 will be available at the meeting. If you would like copies in advance please write to the Secretary, OSME, c/o The Lodge, SANDY, Bedfordshire,...
Like any organisation, OSME needs to constantly evolve and adapt to changes, especially in relation to its membership, conservation and research activities in the region and the wider global situation. One of the privileges of being Chairman...
Download the Arabic field guide to the birds of the Middle East
5th July 2025, OSME AGM
11th-13th July 2025, Global BirdFair, Lyndon Top, Rutland, UK
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