Tagged: Egyptian Vulture

Turkey’s Largest Egyptian Vulture Breeding Area

Guest blog by Şafak Arslan of Doga The Egyptian Vulture is globally threatened and among the species in most rapid decline across its range including the Eastern Europe populations. Previous studies by Doga (the BirdLife Partner in...

Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus

Vulture News from the Middle East

The following short vulture updates from across the Middle East are reproduced with the permission of the IUCN Vulture Specialist Group. They are taken from the Vulture Specialist Group newsletter (issue 11). If you are interested in...

We Invite You to Join the Sarımazı Raptor Count

Turkey is home to one of the largest breeding populations of Egyptian Vultures in the world! An estimated 2000 pairs are living in Turkey – that’s around 25% of the global Egyptian vulture population. But also the...

The wintering population of Egyptian Vultures in Ethiopia

Guest Blog by Volen Arkumarev During the second half of January 2019 a team from BSPB, RSPB, BirdLife Africa, EWNHS, SCF, NCF and APLORI**(full details below) conducted a field survey to establish the number of wintering Egyptian Vultures in...

Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus

Racing to help declining Vultures

Champions of the Flyway is in its fifth year and the next Flyway Bird Race will be taking place, one again, at the end of March in Israel. So far these races and their sponsorship have raised over...

Saving Globally Threatened steppe birds in Turkey

Doğa, the BirdLife partner in Turkey, has recently launched a new conservation programme for Globally Threatened steppe birds in extensive steppes of Turkey. The initiative will target the Sociable Lapwing, Egyptian Vulture, Steppe and Imperial Eagles, Great...