Tackling illegal bird killing – call for proposals

Illegal bird killing is one of the key threats affecting birds, especially during migration, in many countries across the OSME region. OSME has joined forces with BirdLife Finland to provide a funding opportunity to support conservation efforts that can have a tangible impact in tackling illegal bird killing.

The funding available is up to 15,000 Euros, and this will be awarded to one large project (up to the full amount), or two to three smaller projects (between 5,000 to 10,000 Euros). Only one application from each organisation or project team is allowed.

Applications must be from an organisation or individual that can receive funds directly via bank transfer.

The following countries are eligible for this funding: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories and Turkey (cross border projects will be considered).

For this call for proposals, illegal bird killing includes the taking and trade of wild birds where it contravenes national law and/or international agreements.

Proposals should be submitted to OSME no later than 26th April 2024, and must meet the following key criteria:

  1. The project must start in 2024 with the majority of work being undertaken during this calendar year. If required, some funds can be used to continue the project into the first quarter of 2025, but it must be completed by March 1st 2025. A final project report must be submitted no later than 31st March 2025.
  2. The project must include activities that will directly tackle the problem of illegal killing. Research and monitoring should be included but should not make up the majority of the project proposal.
  3. Projects that directly contribute to the CMS (Convention of Migratory Species) Intergovernmental Task Force on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean (MIKT) and/or the Rome Strategic Plan are strongly encouraged.
  4. Project applications must come from an organisation or project team that has undertaken previous work on tackling illegal bird killing. Projects that are new initiatives, rather than part of ongoing work, are preferred.
  5. Projects should preferably be led and managed by in-country nationals, although international collaboration is encouraged.

All applications must be submitted on the application form provided. All sections must be completed or proposals may be disqualified. Applications MUST be submitted in English and should be reviewed by a fluent English speaker where possible. Completed applications should be sent by email to crf@osme.org

Applications will be reviewed by a panel established by OSME and BirdLife Finland. OSME and BirdLife Finland will jointly approve the awarding of the grant(s).  Successful applicants will be notified no later than 20th May 2024.  The decision of OSME and BirdLife Finland is final.

Enquiries related to this call for proposals should be made to the OSME Chairman, Dr Rob Sheldon: chairman@osme.org. (Please allow 72 hours for a response).

2 Responses

  1. Imad Atrash says:

    thanksalot, do you have an application for the prjects or not

  2. Imad Atrash says:

    Many thankks for your effort

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