Author: admin

OSME’s Annual Report and Accounts 2017

OSME’s Annual Report and Accounts 2017

OSME’s Annual Report and Accounts were approved at our AGM at the BTO in Thetford, England at the beginning of July.  They are being submitted to the Charity Commission, the Charity Regulator in due course for publication...


A guest blog by Oleg Kashkarov The Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds started implementation of practical actions aimed at raising awareness of non-governmental and governmental conservation bodies, educational institutions and local communities of Kashkadarya region about Sociable...

Enjoying Iran’s Wildlife

Guest blog by Fardin Naziri I was born in countryside of Talesh county, at the edge of the Hyrcanian forests in the south-west of the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea was just one kilometer from our house and it...

Call for volunteers at bird observatories in the OSME region

Several of the bird observatories across the OSME region have regular openings for both volunteers, students and also paid positions. It is generally bird ringing or bird migration monitoring but also other activities. Below we list the...

Key Biodiversity Areas of Iraq

Key Biodiversity Areas of Iraq Nature Iraq Tablet House Publishing, 2017 Hardback, 297pp; colour photos, illustrations and maps ISBN 978-0-9886514-6-3; £49.99 A review by Mike Evans Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) is a conservation term that has only come...

I Love Nature 5

Guest blog by Jaden Pope A bird survey in Kuwait My name is Jaden Pope and I am from Johannesburg, South Africa. I came to Kuwait when I was four years old in 2007 and have lived...


A guest blog by Behrad Farkhondeh from Iran Since childhood, my father was taking me to see nature. He always wanted me to become interested in nature. We were going to climb mountains, valleys and forests near Tehran. When I...

Migrations: A field study of adversity

Guest blog by Derek­ Robertson  I am privileged to spend my days in wild and beautiful places painting birds. I am fascinated by them: by their abstract shapes, their song, their behaviour, their migrations. I have sketched...

I love nature 3

A Guest blog by Zülfü Ferecli Hi, my name is Zulfu. I am interested in wildlife from my childhood, and I remember that when I was a kid I loved watching documentaries on the TV and keeping...

The OSME Summer meeting and 40th AGM

In 1968, The Ornithological Society of Turkey (OST) was launched, and in 1978 its geographical remit expanded to become the Ornithological Society of the Middle East, with the addition of The Caucasus and Central Asia in 2001....