Nature Iraq, the leading wildlife conservation NGO in Iraq, is very pleased to make a donation of $1000 to Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s appeal to purchase 143 acres of land next to Cley Marshes. Nature Iraq has received...
Nature Iraq, the leading wildlife conservation NGO in Iraq, is very pleased to make a donation of $1000 to Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s appeal to purchase 143 acres of land next to Cley Marshes. Nature Iraq has received...
Speakers at the 2011 Summer Meeting, left to right: Geoff Welch, Phil Cannings, Guy Kirwan, Sal Cooke, Jeff Gordon and Andrew Lassey (Ian Harrison/OSME) After last year’s Middle Eastern weather, things were ‘back to normal’ for this...
A group of environmentalists and artists from northern Iraq spent the weekend in the ancient town of Hasankeyf in Batman, where they shared with locals the consequences of the planned Ilisu Dam on Iraq and Turkey through...
Members Present –. Dawn Balmer, John Bartley, Pat Bartley, Colin Bates, Christine Booth, Phil Cannings, Mick Carroll, Sal Cooke, Elaine Cowan, Peter Cowan, Helen Demopoulos, Jeff Gordon, Andrew Grieve, Ian Harrison, Phil Heath, Mike Jennings, Guy Kirwan, Chris...
Sandgrouse 34 (1) editorial – clarification OSME Council realises that the editorial in Sandgrouse 34 (1) regarding the expanded area of interest for papers to be considered for publication could be interpreted as OSME ‘encroaching’ into areas covered by the...
01/08/2012. Those who managed to attend the OSME Summer Meeting on 7 July will recognise the importance of the presentation of the first speaker, Paul Stancliffe, who talked about tracking migrants into Africa. A summary is given...
14/07/2012. The following link takes to you to Azzam Alwash, former President of Nature Iraq, being passionate as always about Iraq and the southern marshes drained by Saddam Hussein but now being slowly reclaimed. Azzam Alwash: Lessons...
The first meeting of the International Working Group was held in Palmyra, Syria between 18 and 20 March, hosted jointly by the Syrian Society for the Conservation of Wildlife (SSCW – BirdLife Affiliate in Syria) and the...
13/07/2012. A Trip Report has recently been posted for an April 2012 visit to Azerbaijan – the first one for this country. See under Trip Reports. Or click here, please note that the file is in PDF...
Many Little Owl Athene noctua taxa occur in the OSME Region. However, breeding distributions are poorly known, as are plumage descriptions geographically. The taxonomy of some taxa is uncertain, clouded both by speculation and by the uncertain status (resident,... If you wish to contact Arend, please visit his website or email him at a.wassink(AT) Arend writes: The site will be updated continuously with new data from literature, scientific reports, trip reports etc. and additional photographs...
Ecological changes in the Nile Delta wetlands over the past several decades have led to dramatic changes in the local breeding avifauna. With reduced salinity, and increased abundance of reeds and the establishment of a vast matrix...
Nature Iraq and Development Now are pleased to announce the inaugural Green Music and Arts Festival, to be held in Sulaimani’s Azadi Park on April 20th, the Friday before Earth Day. The first event of its kind...
The following news has been received from Nature Iraq. Threat Assessment of Lesser Zaab River On February 2, Nabil Musa started a threat assessment of the Lesser Zaab a tributary of the Tigris. a project partly funded...
Download the Arabic field guide to the birds of the Middle East
5th July 2025, OSME AGM
11th-13th July 2025, Global BirdFair, Lyndon Top, Rutland, UK
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