OSME is now on YouTube

We have recently set up a YouTube channel to enable us to post video content that is relevant to the work of OSME and the birds of our wonderful region. The first video to be posted is...

Common Swifts in Iran – a Conservation Project

A guest blog by Abraham Shokouhi I became very curious about the Common Swift Apus apus pekinensis in 2013 when I attended training courses for eco-tourism guides and birdwatching tour guides. It looked a very interesting and...

The Turkestan Ground-jay in Uzbekistan

Guest blog by Robert J. Burnside I have been working in the Kyzylkum desert, in Uzbekistan, since 2013 on the ecology and conservation of the Asian Houbara with the University of East Anglia, BirdLife International and the...

OSME online Summer Meeting – programme & registration

OSME will be holding our first online Summer Meeting using Zoom on the 15th August. We have an exciting line-up of speakers from across the OSME region covering Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Socotra and central Asia. There will also...

OSME’s first online Summer Meeting – save the date!

Saturday 15th August: 10.30-12.45 (BST) One of the few positive things to come out of the global coronavirus pandemic is the rise of online webinars, meetings and conferences. Whether these will totally replace the face-to-face meetings that...

The OSME Region List of bird taxa v6.1

is now available here Version 6.1 follows the genus change in IOC10.2 of African Crake from Crex to Crecopis as predicted in v5.2 (Garcia-Ramirez et al 2020). A new species for the OSME Region was the arrival...

‘Mangrove White-eye’ Zosterops sp. indet. Either Mangroves, Jizan Province, Saudi Arabia, 2 June 2016 © Jem Babbington. Showing bright general colouration.

Update on the ‘Mangrove White-eye’ in Saudi Arabia

Guest blog by Jem Babbington The Abyssinian White-eye Zosterops abyssinicus occurs in the highlands of southwestern Arabia and eastern Africa in well-wooded areas above 1,000 m above sea level. Interestingly the discovery of mangrove dwelling White-eyes by...

Bird trapping in Cyprus – an update

Guest blog by Guy Shorrock  In April 2020, BirdLife Cyprus published the autumn 2019 bird trapping survey. This suggests that an estimated 440,000 birds may have been killed within the survey area over the autumn. Whilst still...

Namaqua Dove Oena capensis

Expansion of Namaqua Dove in the OSME Region

Guest blog by Łukasz Ławicki Expansion and range extension of Namaqua Dove Oena capensis in the OSME Region has been going on for several decades. But in the last decade, this process significantly increased in pace. In...

Socotra Golden-winged Grosbeak Rhynchostruthus socotranus

Checklist of the Birds of the Socotra Archipelago

Richard Porter & Ahmed Saeed Suleiman Ahmed Saeed Suleiman and I have updated the Socotra Bird Checklist following new discoveries this year. Also the resident white-eye has now been assigned endemic species status – Socotra White-eye –...

A message from Tomas Axén Haraldsson

Youth development and Bird Camps update

Birds go on – birdwatchers on hold A message from Tomas Axén Haraldsson The current situation with the spread of the corona virus, and not least the consequences of all the emergency measures, has caused countries and...