Category: News

Help wanted for raptor surveys in Turkey

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS JOIN RAPTOR MIGRATION CENSUS IN TURKEY THIS SUMMER Location:                       Adana Province, Turkey Duration:                       15 August  – 15 October 2015 Job Type:                       Volunteer Application Deadline:      Open until filled Background:                  Doğa Derneği is a leading nature...

Appeal for waterbird images from African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA)

Sergey Dereliev the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat is planning to produce a coffee table book featuring some of the waterbird species for which the Agreement has undertaken initiatives. OSME is helping publicise his request for the images. The African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) is celebrating its 20th anniversary...

Appeal for images of barn owl Tyto sp from all populations worldwide

Alexandre Roulin of Lausanne University is preparing a book about barn owls worldwide. OSME is helping publicise his request for images from the    extensive distribution of the genus Tyto.  My name is Alexandre Roulin, a professor in Biology...

Purple Swamphen – request for photos, feathers, tissue samples

OSME has received a request to publicise the following project concerning Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio. This is an interesting project which we feel deserves support. If you have any photographs, feathers or tissue samples the team would...

Review of Illegal Killing in the Mediterranean

Review of Illegal Killing in the Mediterranean

OSME has been informed by BirdLife International that the preliminary results from the review of illegal killing in the Mediterranean are now available online for public consultation. As previously explained, Birdlife is inviting relevant Governments, international conventions, hunting organisations...

The first breeding record of the Hypocolius for Kuwait and Arabia

The photograph above shows an adult male and female feeding three chicks at Jahra Pools Reserve. Photograph by Khaled Al-Ghanem. The first breeding record for Kuwait and Arabia of the Hypocolius Hypocolius ampelinus was discovered in Kuwait at Jahra...

Simon Aspinall Wildlife Education Centre

Turf cutting for the Simon Aspinall Wildlife Education Centre. Jack Aspinall (centre), NWT chairman, Martin Shaw (left) and HLF’s Philip Venning. Jack used Simon’s spade. Simon, who died from Motor Neuron disease in 2011, made a very...

The July 2014 issue of Wings and Waves

The Newsletter of the Society for the Protection of Wildlife in Lebanon (SPNL) in conjunction with Birdlife Lebanon and Birdlife International is available at the following link.… Topics include: A report on Birdlife International’s 48th Global Council...

Latest on Aqaba Bird Observatory

Aqaba Bird Observatory gate © Feras Rahahleh. a) To visit the observatory requires only a ticket, which costs 7 Jordanian dinars for a day. Tickets are obtainable from the tourist information office in Aqaba and from some...

Satellite-tagged Sociable Lapwings begin their journey

The Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius is one of the most threatened species in the OSME region and we have supported a number of projects in many of our focal countries. In June this year, three adults were...