Tagged: Iraq

Nature Iraq – 20 years on

Guest blog by Azzam Alwash Nature Iraq began as EDEN AGAIN, a project that focused the world’s attention on the drying of the marshes of southern Iraq.  Our work was focused on informing the world that the...

Greeting from the Cradle of Civilization

Guest blog by Salwan Ali Abed from Iraq I started my ornithological adventure in 2005, when I did my first bird survey visit to the marshes of southern Iraq. It was the first time I was introduced to the...

Darwin project puts Iraq’s wildlife on the map

A three-year project in Iraq has significantly contributed to knowledge of the country’s flora and fauna – including five previously unknown plant species – as well as improving the prospects for future conservation efforts in the country....

BirdLife International Middle East Partnership

BirdLife International Middle East Partnership

World Migratory Bird Day to be celebrated during the 10th BirdLife Middle East Partnership Meeting in Sulaimaniya, Iraqi Kurdistan. Date: 11-14 May 2012 Location: Sulaimaniya, Iraq Nature Iraq, BirdLife in Iraq, is proud to announce that the...