Author: admin

A message from Tomas Axén Haraldsson

Youth development and Bird Camps update

Birds go on – birdwatchers on hold A message from Tomas Axén Haraldsson The current situation with the spread of the corona virus, and not least the consequences of all the emergency measures, has caused countries and...

Latest issue of Sandgrouse: free to download

Given the current extraordinary circumstances which have seen millions of people around the world confined to their homes, OSME has decided to make a pdf version of the Spring 2020 issue of Sandgrouse free for anyone to...

Birds of Lebanon, a Photographic Guide to 404 Species

By Ghassan Ramadan-Jaradi and Fouad Itani ISBN 9 789953 051062 In English Association for Bird Conservation in Lebanon Published in Lebanon  Available in bookshops in Lebanon and from: Price $34 plus postage (eg. Plus $24.75 to...

OSME Summer meeting and AGM postponed

Given the current global coronavirus crisis, OSME have taken the decision to postpone this year’s Summer Meeting and AGM that was due to be held on the 27th June. We will wait to see what the situation...

The OSME Region List of bird taxa v5.2 is now available

Version 5.2 (available here) includes several species not previously recorded in the OSME region, such as African Crake Crex egregia (Eilat, Israel January 2020); its genus may change to Cecropis (Garcia-Ramirez et al 2020). More important, v5.2...

Adult Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca. © Cansu Özcan.

Studying Imperial Eagles in Turkey

A guest blog by Cansu Özcan I am biologist Cansu Özcan from Turkey. I am a bird watcher since 2012 and I have been studying the Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Turkey since 2015.  I have...

OSME Chairman opening Summer Meeting


The year 2019 was another successful one for OSME. During the last 12 months we have seen a number of long-running key projects reach their completion and the launch of several new initiatives. All of these were...

Birds of Cyprus

First, a declaration of interest. I know both the authors and over the years have met or corresponded with the artists. I’ve been to Cyprus many times, my first visit being in 1966 when I was in...

Hypocolius Hypocolius ampelinus

Upcoming talk: The birds of the Arabian Peninsula

On the 18th February, OSME Chairman, Rob Sheldon will be giving a talk on the ‘Birds of the Arabian Peninsula’ for the International Association for the Study of Arabia, at the Institute for Archaeology, UCL (WC1H 0PY)....

The landscape at Naryn - Saker Falcon breeding habitat. © Maxim Koshkin.

Saving the Saker in Kyrgyzstan

My birding journey started a year ago when our Fauna & Flora International (FFI) team launched a pilot project on the Saker Falcon Falco cherrug in Kyrgyzstan.

BirdLife Cyprus’s first ever nature reserve

BirdLife Cyprus’s first ever nature reserve

As far as bird trapping is concerned, our physical presence in Famagusta district mainly revolves around two things: monitoring trapping levels or raising awareness and bringing children closer to the world of birds through our school visits.