OSME 37th AGM, 4th July 2015

On the 4th July, as part of the OSME Summer Meeting, we also held our Annual General Meeting. OSME is a UK registered charity governed by a constitution (see here) that stipulates we hold an AGM every...

The OSME Region: birds of the deep-ocean

The OSME region has its fair share of thinly-inhabited areas where knowledge of breeding distribution and how birds use such areas is poor to non-existent, primarily because of low observer density and lack of regular observation and...

Simon Aspinall Wildlife Education Centre

Simon Aspinall was a great friend of the Middle East – and OSME, making an important contribution to the ornithology and conservation of the region, especially in the United Arab Emirates. When in the UK he lived...

Acacia clearance on Cape Pyla combats illegal bird trapping

Like a number of areas in Cyprus, particularly in the south and southeast, Dhekelia or the Eastern Sovereign Base Area (ESBA) has a very serious problem with illegal bird trapping. In their autumn 2014 report on trapping activity, BirdLife...

Globally Threatened Birds of the OSME region need your help

BirdLife International has just released the European Red List for birds having collated the latest data from right across Europe and reassessed the regional status of all regularly occurring native species. This publication has implications for the GLOBAL Red List status...

OSME and OBC jointly fund White-headed Duck surveys in Kazakhstan

OSME and OBC are delighted to announce we are joining forces to provide £2000 of funding for the further monitoring of White-headed Duck in Kazakhstan. ACBK, the BirdLife International partner in Kazakhstan is also collaborating with the Universities of Munster and Bielefeld,...

The OSME Summer Meeting and 37th AGM

The OSME Summer Meeting and 37th AGM

The OSME Summer Meeting and 37th AGM will be held at BTO Headquarters, Thetford, Norfolk on Saturday 4 July. Doors open 10.00 and talks start at 11.00. Come for coffee and meet old and new friends! Non-members...

Basra Reed Warbler – some concluding remarks

The Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus griseldis is listed as Endangered by the IUCN, and its breeding range is largely restricted to the Mesopotamian Marshes in southern Iraq. In many ways it is a typical Acrocephalus warbler inhabiting reedbeds and marshy habitats,...

Help count 10,000 raptors in the Batumi sky

Dear Birders, have ever wondered how 10.000 raptors would look in the sky? Visit Eurasia’s largest bottleneck for autumn raptor migration with up to 1.000.000 raptors in a single season. The Batumi Raptor Count survey the tremendous migration each...

Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Arabia: 2015 records

Observers in the Arabian Peninsula are asked to send in their personal observations of breeding species for 2015 when it is convenient, e.g. after a visit or at the end of the local breeding season. It is...