Certificate of Recognition

While many of the problems facing birds and the environment in the OSME region will only be solved by the work of governments and NGOs, a great many individuals are selflessly devoting much of their time, energy...

Conservation and Research Fund news

Due to personal reasons, Christine Booth has regrettably decided to stand down as Chair of the CRF sub-committee. OSME would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all of the work she did to ‘professionalise’...

Satellite-tagged Sociable Lapwings begin their journey

The Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius is one of the most threatened species in the OSME region and we have supported a number of projects in many of our focal countries. In June this year, three adults were...

Iraq Declares its First National Park

Photo: The Mesopotamian Marshes are home to the Endangered Basra Reed Warbler (Mudhafar Salim) On 23rd July 2013, the Iraqi Council of Ministers approved the designation of the Central Marshes of Iraq as the country’s first National...

Richard Porter becomes a Birdlife Member of Honour

At the recent Birdlife International World Congress held recently in Ottawa, Canada, Richard Porter was made a BirdLife Member of Honour for his work in Yemen and Iraq. The award was presented by HIH Princess Takamado, BirdLife’s...

Latest News from Nature Iraq

25/07/2012. The following link takes you to the latest Newsletter of Nature Iraq – and an important online petition concerning the Ilisu Dam Project in Hasankeyf, Turkey which will affect the famous and important marshes in southern...

Black Lark research in Kazakhstan

Black Lark Melanocorypha yeltoniensis is one of the iconic birds of the steppes of Kazakhstan and is the subject of a research project, part funded by the OSME Conservation and Research Fund, looking at the species’ breeding...

OSME Raffle 2013

OSME Raffle 2013

This year’s raffle will be raising funds to support work by Nature Iraq on the globally endangered Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus griseldis, one of the most threatened passerines in the OSME region. The species is classed as endangered...

New Council members request

New Council members request

OSME relies on its volunteer Council members in order to operate efficiently and we are currently seeking new members to join Council. Council members serve for 5 years and Council meets formally three times a year but...