Last Northern Bald Ibis in Syria?

Last Northern Bald Ibis in Syria?

OSME has received the following sad news on the Northern Bald Ibis (International Advisory Group for Northern Bald Ibis – IAGNBI) Despite the current crisis in Syria, the field team have continued to monitor the ibis, and...

Request for recordings of bird sounds

Request for recordings of bird sounds

Bloomsbury are doing an eBook of Birds of the Middle East (Porter & Aspinall (2010) and it is planned to include bird sounds. Most of these have been obtained but there are still a few outstanding and...

OSME Summer Meeting 2012

OSME Summer Meeting 2012

The 2012 Summer Meeting and AGM on Saturday 7 July were again held at the BTO headquarters in Thetford and attended by 43 members and guests. The day had the theme of migration and the first speaker,...

Raffle 2012 – results

Raffle 2012 – results

The winners of this year’s raffle in support of research and conservation of White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala in Kazakhstan were: 1st Opticron Imagic BGA SE 8×42 binoculars (value £439)- S Starling 2nd Naturetrek voucher for £250 – E Moran...

Crowd-sourcing an atlas of migratory bird hunting

Crowd-sourcing an atlas of migratory bird hunting

OSME has received a request from Dr Paul Jepson of the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, asking us to help with a project to create an atlas of migratory bird hunting. As he...

2012 Annual Prize Draw

2012 Annual Prize Draw

Proceeds will be used to support the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan White-headed Duck conservation project 1st Opticron Imagic BGA SE 8×42 binoculars (value £439) 2nd Naturetrek voucher for £250 3rd Birdguides – BWPi:...

Champions of the Flyway- Birdrace

On the 1st of April 2014 The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI – Birdlife International Partner) hosted the first ever ‘Champions of the Flyway’ 24 hour bird race in Eilat. The event is...

Update on illegal bird trapping activity in Cyprus

Update on illegal bird trapping activity in Cyprus

The following link provides information on BirdLife Cyprus’ winter 2012-2013 monitoring programme of illegal bird trapping in Cyprus and an overview of the latest developments regarding the problem. Report put together by Tassos Shialis, Illegal Bird Killing...

BirdLife International Middle East Partnership

BirdLife International Middle East Partnership

World Migratory Bird Day to be celebrated during the 10th BirdLife Middle East Partnership Meeting in Sulaimaniya, Iraqi Kurdistan. Date: 11-14 May 2012 Location: Sulaimaniya, Iraq Nature Iraq, BirdLife in Iraq, is proud to announce that the...

Nestboxes in Iraq

Nestboxes in Iraq

The following link is to an article in the latest issue of British Birds describing how nestboxes were made and put up by school children in Kurdistan, Iraq. Nest holes are at a premium in this area...