Guest blog by Chris Bowden

Northern Bald Ibis: updates on the Eastern population The conservation of Northern Bald Ibis has (for the first time in its history) been on a relatively positive trajectory in Morocco over the past twenty years, with almost...

Guest blog from Assad Adel Serhal

OSME is pleased to invite Assad to write this guest blog and tell us about SPNL and their Hima conservation and education programmes. ​Assad Serhal has more than 25 years of experience in the development and management...

OSME at the British Birdwatching Fair

Over the weekend of the 19th – 21st August NGOs, charities, tour groups and about 20,000 people interested in birds descend on Rutland Water for the annual British Birdwatching Fair, aka The Birdfair. It is always an...

Oiseaux de Libye/Birds of Libya

Paul Isenmann, Jens Hering, Stefan Brehme, Mohamed Essghaier, Khaled Etayeb, Essam Bourass and Hicham Azafzaf. 2016. Oiseaux de Libye/Birds of Libya. SEO France. National Museum of Natural History, 55 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. Available in UK from...

European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: an appeal for help

Guest blog from Mark Eaton Good, appropriate conservation action relies upon knowledge. Knowledge of what species and habitats most need our help, knowledge of where these are, and knowledge of what needs to be done to help...

OSME Region List (ORL) version 3.3α

Striped Crake, Aenigmatolimnas marginalis. Photo: Ammar Al-Jeraiwi. The ORL version 3.3 was published in early July 2016 in a β-version to meet the planned schedule of two updates per year. Several important papers were at that time unobtainable, as...

Conservation on Socotra

Guest blog by Abdalgamil Mohammed Socotra Archipelago is one of the biodiversity-rich islands in the world thus gaining wide international recognitions. It is UNESCO-Man and Biosphere Reserve in 2003, UNESCO-Natural World Heritage Site in 2008, and one...

Minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 2nd July at the premises of the British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk, UK Members Present, Nabegh Ghazal Asswad, Dawn Balmer, Mike Blair, Colin Butler, Chris Clarke, Elaine...

Can you help with surveys of the Indian Ocean coast?

According to the 6th edition of the AEWA Conservation Status Report, nearly 75% of the population size estimates of the waterbird populations in the West Asian/East African flyway are based on ‘best guess’, the highest of all flyways. This...

The OSME Summer Meeting and 38th AGM

The OSME Summer Meeting and 38th AGM will be held at BTO Headquarters, Thetford, Norfolk on Saturday 2nd July. Doors will open at 10.00am for members and non-members to meet old and new friends over coffee and...

Words from BirdLife International’s Middle East Office

Guest blog from Majd Abu Zaghlan I feel very fortunate that I was born and raised in Jordan – a Mediterranean country blessed with a stunning mix of breathtaking marvels, natural resources and many unique species. From the...

World Migratory Bird Day

The 10th May is World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) an annual initiative, co-ordinated by UNEP/CMS, to raise awareness about the issues around migratory birds and their habitats. In many ways it is also a global celebration about...

Satellite tracking of Dalmatian Pelicans

Guest blog by Abbas Ashoori   Although the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) population has increased in some sites in Europe as a result of conservation actions, rapid population declines in the remainder of its range are suspected...